Kick into Overdrive Fandom
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Mack points out they had a lot of help from Tyzonn. Sentinel Knight recognizes Tyzonn as being a Mercurian and is pleased with his help as well. Dax asks Sentinel Knight if he can help turn Tyzonn back. Sentinel Knight admits he cannot, but they have the power to do so. Rose realizes the two jewels of the Corona Aurora would help them.
Flurious tells his brother to give him the crown, but Moltor refuses and tries to leave. Flurious attacks Moltor and they battle. The battle ends in a draw and Flurious tells that from now on, both of them acts only for themselves.
The Zords are sent out and the DriveMax Megazord is formed. The battle continues, but the Ranges are easily defeated and end up on the ground demorph. Way Back When is the twenty-ninth episode of Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.

Although Hartford is originally opposed to it, his son Mack becomes the fifth team member - the Red Ranger. In the process, they encounter the illustrious Miratrix, who is determined to find the jewels and free her master Kamdor. In his ice cave, Flurious laughs with glee. Norg comes sliding down and wants to know what is so funny.
Production Information
Tyzonn and Moltor continued to battle. Moltor turned Tyzonn into the reptilian creature he is now. Moltor told Tyzonn he would change him back, after he had worked for him. After he finishes his story, Tyzonn starts to storm away. Tyzonn tells Mack he will be cursed like this forever because he betrayed Moltor. Mack catches up to him and tell shim they have a lot of high-tech technology, and they can help him.

The teens look over the Octavian Chalice, as it has more than one power. Knowing it will lead them to the final jewel, it's time for more research and Rose is ready to lead the way. As the teens leave, Mr. Hartford asks Mack if he can stay for a moment.
In a desert, Kamdor and Miratrix had just dug up the Sands of Sila. Miratrix is ready to battle the Mercury Ranger, but Kamdor stops her. Kamdor wants to show just how powerful he is. At the Control Center, Dax is happy to have found two relics on the screen.

She goes invisible, and defeats the lizards with a back flip kick. Spencer finds them fighting and gathers everyone to take the vehicles and go. As the team is stopped by Chillers (Flurious's foot soldiers), Andrew hands the recruits their Overdrive Trackers. Will is Black, Dax is Blue, Rose is Pink, and Ronny is Yellow.
Will explains what had happened and how he lost the jewel. Mr. Hartford takes Will's Tracker, upset at Will for losing the jewel. Spencer gives the Tracker back to a surprised Will. Will tells Spencer he is off the team. Spencer replies once a Ranger, always a Ranger.

Andrew tells Mack to gather the team, it's not over yet. This episode marks the last appearance of Flurious. This episode also reveals the fifth and final jewel, the Pink Emerald.
Mack morphs into the Red Ranger and battles Moltor. The rest of the Rangers are kept busy battling the monster. Moltor tells Bullox to take care of Tyzonn. Mack runs and once more pushes Tyzonn to safety. Mack and Tyzonn get up and make a run for it.

The Lavadactyls fly away, powered by Lava Lizards, as the Rangers try to figure out how to stop them. Mr. Hartford has the Sonic Streaker and sends it to them. Red Ranger and Tyzonn board the Sonic Streaker and take off after the Lavadactyls. The Lava Lizard reports what he has heard to Moltor. Bullox joins Moltor and tells him the Lavadactyls will be ready. Spencer and Mr. Hartford are in the study.
Tyzonn has decided he is ready to move on with his life. Tyzonn and Vella gazed at each other lovingly. In the woods, Rose and Will continue their battle against the Chillers. Black Ranger uses the Hovertek Cycle to help him in the battle. Mig and Benglo have built a machine and they have the Octavian Chalice placed inside it.
Rose thinks she knows how they can translate the text on the parchment. Ronny asks Rose if she has a book on alien to English translation. Rose doesn't, but she thinks Professor Ryan from her university can help. Dax asks if he can come along, as he has never visited England before. Will suggests they take Mack along so he can fill Rose in on the Sonic Streaker. Mack is more than happy to go and immediately launches into an explanation of all of Sonic Streaker's capabilities.
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Mercury Ranger and Crazar continue with their battle. Crazar tells him he will never find Vella without her, but Mercury Ranger knows he can do it without Crazar. In the Control Center, Mr. Hartford is worried about the Rangers. The BattleFleet Zords are sent out and the battle continues. The five Rangers form the BattleFleet Megazord. The battle continues to be difficult for the Rangers.

The Rangers asks Tyzonn what they want. Tyzonn tells them they want the rest of the parchment. Mack tells the rest of the Rangers to stay alert and walks up to Tyzonn. Mack tells Tyzonn he is not like the rest. Suddenly, the four Rangers fire rope at the monster and Mack tries to grab Tyzonn.
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